Natural Healing Center Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional Supplements

We have 100s of supplements, vitamins, and herbs available that will assist you with the healing process of the disorder that is negatively affecting you. All supplements are not created equal and it’s tough to determine the quality of vitamins. In the United States, vitamin manufacturers are responsible for making sure their products are safe and live up to advertising claims. The Food and Drug Administration only steps in when it can prove a dietary supplement is “unsafe.”

We carry only the highest quality supplements available at Natural Healing Center of Myrtle Beach. They include brands like:

  • Standard Process
  • Allergy Research Group
  • Cellcore Biosciences
  • NeuroScience
  • Nu-Scripts
  • Omeg Nutrition
  • Personalized Nutrition
  • Lugol’s Iodine
  • NutriWest
  • Sun Ten Chinese Herbal Supplements
  • Chi
  • Pure Encapsulation