By Phillip Davis • February 23, 2015 • No Comments
According to American Cancer Society, cancer ranks number two in the nation. There are all types of cancers such as cancer of the brain, bone cancer, cervical cancer, breast, eye, kidney, and many more. Cancer stems from an uncontrollable, abnormality in cells of the body. Literally, every organ and all parts of the human body can get cancer. There are many signs and symptoms of cancer that we can be aware of. Early detection can lead to a longer life.
Depending on the location, size, and how it affects organs or tissues, cancer can cause almost any sign or symptom, and if it spreads, or metastasizes, symptoms can respectively appear in different parts of the body. As a cancer grows, it can start pushing against nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves, thus creating symptoms. Sometimes cancer can start in places showing no signs or symptoms until it has enlarged to advance stages. Pancreatic cancer is an example of one of these type cancers. By the time it has advanced, pancreatic cancer can cause belly and back pain and could also grow around the bile duct, blocking bile flow (American Cancer Society, 2015).
No one wants to find out they have cancer, but at the same time, it is best to acknowledge symptoms of cancer in its potentially early stages. The earlier that you recognize symptoms of cancer and are able to confirm it, the better the chances for a successful treatment if diagnosed. In cases of no symptoms, individuals can have screenings done to detect abnormalities. These available screenings include mammography, cytology, and an alternative non-invasive procedure called thermography. Thermography senses heat patterns in the body, caused by inflammation and is said to be able to detect problems up to ten years before any symptoms are present.
In general, there are several symptoms that should be of concern. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it is not meant to be diagnostic but also shouldn’t be taken lightly. You should consult with a doctor to look further into your symptoms. The symptoms are as follows:
In addition to the general symptoms of cancer, there are specific, common signs and symptoms of cancers as well. Some of those symptoms are as follows:
There are many symptoms of cancer. The ones listed here are just a few common ones. If you have noticed major changes in your body or how you feel, especially if symptoms lasts for long periods and get s worse, you should contact a doctor. Also, as stated, just because you have symptoms does not mean that you have cancer. Finally, if your symptoms are cancerous, early detection is best detection, so don’t be afraid — get checked if you have symptoms of any kind.
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