By Phillip Davis • September 25, 2013 • No Comments
Have you ever wondered where the root of our toxic ailments reside? Well, in this post, I will share just that information with you. Because of the massive amounts of poisons we are being exposed to, daily, it may seem overwhelmingly difficult to combat these issues. Despite that dilemma, awareness of these poisons shall at least give us the leverage to refuse them. This post will reference 12 poisons, their origins, how they affect our well being, and hopefully, leave you with the desire to refuse as many (if not all) of them from your lifestyle as possible — ultimately, forcing those who inflict, to rid of them, completely.
Chlorine was originally a chemical warfare agent and has been added to public water supplies since 1910. After a multitude of the population was regularly chlorinated, today’s known health problems of circulatory disease and cancer became widespread. Bathing in it, breathing it, consuming it in most foods, and drinking it in beverage products made with city water, makes chlorine one of the most common public poisons (Miller, 2013).
Fluoride originated on the 1940’s. It is a waste product of aluminum and phosphate manufacturing. In the 1940’s, it was accumulating at production plants and ruining local ground water. The industry first tried to get rid of the excess stock by marketing it as “rat poison” — not enough was sold, so in 1950, they convinced the American Dental Association to recommend it be added to public water supplies and oral care products, to harden teeth. In the long run, fluoride actually makes teeth brittle and mottled, while diminishing IQ’s, minimizing active interests, and shortening lives. Fluoride is no good for your teeth; it is a cancer causing, apathy inducing, intelligence reducing chemical and should not be consumed (Miller, 2013).
Aluminum is another neurotoxin that reduces intelligence and memory. It is a major contributor to early senility and dementia. Aluminum has been used in cookware and food service materials for a long time. Very fine particles of aluminum are the main components of chemtrail sprays that are supposed to be of geo-engeneering to control global warming (Miller, 2013).
Mercury, also a neurotoxin, was first used in dental filling and is blamed for the incredible rise in the number of autistic kids, many of whom are radically changed within a few days of vaccination (Miller, 2013).
The warlords and biggest industry of drugs pushers, globally, are found in the pharmaceutical industry. Just because a government agency approves pharmaceutical medicines does not mean they’re safe to take. Many of these drugs have terrible side effects, blocking biological systems, and fostering long-term illnesses — then additional drugs are prescribed. The majority of routine drugs today are psychotropic, further reducing intelligence and enthusiasm (Miller, 2013).
Radioactive fallout, a major contributor to the cancer epidemic, stems from several areas. They are listed below (Miller, 2013):
Aspertame, promoted as an ingredient for diet products for weight loss and diabetes, is a terrible neurotoxin. It worsens conditions in diabetics and weight loss participants. In the body, Aspertame turns to methanol (a toxic wood alcohol) and formaldehyde — impairing the brain, weakening the eyesight, damaging the pancreas and liver, and literally driving some people crazy. It is unbelievable that this poison was ever approved for consumption. Aspertame is now being added to chewing gum and flavored water. Read label ingredients, and avoid this poison (Miller, 2013)!
Monosodium Glutamate is used as a flavor enhancer. It is both an excitotoxin, that stresses cells, and a neurotoxin, bothering the brain and nerves. It diminishes intelligence, can cause bloating, digestive distress, and harm the heart as well (Miller, 2013).
Bisphenol Acetate, a chemical used for hardening plastic for over 40 years (, 2010), is said to be an estrogen mimicker. It is permitted in food service and household plastics and causes sexual imbalances and alterations and cancers of the breast and sex organs (Miller, 2013).
Glyphosphate is a toxic herbicide used in agriculture to spray our produce for unwanted plants. The problem with this chemical is that it does not just simply wash off. On top of that, the chemical gets absorbed into the plants, and we eat them.
Gyphosphate is reported to be a factor in both infertility and cancer. Most of the other agri-chemicals are debilitating. Glyphosphate and other run-off chemicals are also found in drinking water (Miller, 2013).
Genetically Modified Organaisms are normally used in concert with agricultural chemicals. They include food crops such as corn, soybean, canola oil, and sugar beets. In the US, nearly all of these highly consumed foods are modified — and with no labels. Genetically altered foods are hard on the digestive system and usually damaging to cells and organs (Miller, 2013).
Electromagnetic Fields from devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions, smart meters, transmission wires and towers, etc, weakens and impairs the health in people, plants, and animals. The more EMFs in proximity, the greater the potential health risks.
EMF health risks are controversial because scientific studies have not proven a direct link to symptoms, but “members of the public have attributed a diffuse collection of symptoms to low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields at home. Reported symptoms include headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, nausea, fatigue and loss of libido” (World Health Organization, 2013).
We are overwhelmingly exposed to many poisons on a regular basis. By becoming aware of them, we can at least, to an extent, take control over our health and well being and live longer, happier, lifestyles.
Miller D.J. (2013) Retrieved September 25, 2013 from (2010). Retrieved September 25, 2013 from
World Health Organization (2013). Retrieved September 25, 2013 from
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