By Phillip Davis • August 14, 2013 • No Comments
Did you know that your genetic material and its prenatal responses make up what is called your genotype? Your genotype reflects both your genetics and epigenetics, which is the interaction between your genes and the environment. Your genes, combined with your first nine months in the womb, creates your genotype (Brown, 2013). Knowing your genotype can inform you of the type diet you should consume for optimal health.
There are six genotypes: the hunter, gatherer, teacher, explorer, warrior, and nomad. Each genotype has distinguishing physical characteristics, personalities, and susceptibilities to various diseases and medical problems (Brown, 2013).
As stated earlier, each of the genotypes listed above have their own unique diet for sustaining optimal health. In determining your genotype, our health professionals at Natural Healing Center of Myrtle Beach will perform rigorous, personal analysis, which includes testing blood types and examining physical and personal characteristics such as jaw angle, family history, and more. Schedule an appointment today to find out your genotype and make a lifestyle change towards a healthier, happier you. (843)-839-9996
Dr. Brown, B. (2013). Retrieved August 14, 2013 from
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